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Audio Effect Not Clear When Playing Media

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Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent wrote
there is my code:

MediaPlayer1.Audio_Effects_Add(-1, VFAudioEffectType.PitchScale, true);
MediaPlayer1.Audio_Effects_PitchScale(-1, 0, VFFFTSize.Fts1024, 500, 25, false);

and I think every thing I'm use this code. It should be clear the audio effect first, and continue add the effect again. but in my test. it continue add effect, but not clear the audio effect first.(I'm test the code when the media file is playing).

qakmak on May 19, 2013 15:21
13 Answers
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

another question. why I'm set the volumn 1000,use this:
Player.Audio_Volume_Set(0, 1000);

but why when I get the volumn. It's only 700??
Player.Audio_Volume_Get(0);//result is 700

on May 20, 2013 12:56
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

audio effects clearing problem found, will be fixed in next build.

on May 20, 2013 16:28
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

about volume - in latest version result is 1000. all correct.

on May 20, 2013 16:35
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. and I'm really hope you can fix the volume peoblem. it's always to 500 and not has any sound can hear. I think It's need to be 0 .

on May 20, 2013 20:02
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

It must be 700 - 1000 to hear, not 0.

on May 20, 2013 20:03
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I mean the Range Why not just use 0 to 1000?
I can't understand.

on May 20, 2013 20:38
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

You can read about Audio Renderers in DirectShow in MSDN to see API values.

on May 20, 2013 21:54
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I can't found anything about my problem.
and I'm not sure you're understand what I mean. I mean if I'm set the audio volumn to 300, there is not has any sound can hear, but 600-1000 of the range Variation is very big. I mean why don't let the range use 0-1000. I mean 300 is low sound. 700 is high sound. and 0 is no sound.(not like now, to 400 can't hear any voice). and the final height sound is 1000.

I'm very sure there is have some algorithmic problems.

on May 21, 2013 08:58
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

now when I'm set my software 40% volumn . there is nothing can haer.

and I'm use any other player. 0 is this mean "no sound/Mute".

on May 21, 2013 09:01
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

check start/stop values in main demo. we'll not chage this range, because exisiting client use it already.

on May 21, 2013 12:04
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. then I handle this use my own function.

on May 21, 2013 14:25
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I'm just test new version. still can't clear audio effects first. when I'm click the button execute the code:

MediaPlayer1.Audio_Effects_Add(-1, VFAudioEffectType.PitchScale, true);
MediaPlayer1.Audio_Effects_PitchScale(-1, 0, VFFFTSize.Fts1024, 500, 25, false);

on May 21, 2013 15:06
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

net4.0 x86

on May 21, 2013 15:06