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WMV Streaming in main demo only accessible on local host

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Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent wrote
I have an issue I've been able to replicate on Windows 7 & 8 both in the Main Demo application and a custom application. If I launch a network stream and take the port from the streaming URL. I get these results:
“Telnet localhost 1143” receives a response on the local host
Attaching to the stream via Windows Media Player on the local host also works.
“Telnet 1143” from the local machine fails (250 being the LAN IP)
“Telnet 1143” from a remote machine fails (same network segment).
Attaching to the stream from a remote workstation fails.

The Windows firewall is off in all cases. It looks like the network stream is not actually binding to the external IP address. Has anyone else seen this behavior or have a solution?

Peter on May 31, 2013 19:21
4 Answers
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I have an issue a little diffferent: On a system which runs windows 7 Home Premium I want to send a direct streaming from my webcam. When I activate the streaming I'm able to see the preview, but If I check the port used to stream using "Command prompt/Netstat -a" it isn't opened! Consequently the stream is not accessible. I've also tried to disable windows firewall, but the result is always the same. Thanks in advance to all!

on September 26, 2013 20:17
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Carl Bonsu

Was this issue ever resolved? I seem to have encountered the same problem. Heeellllp!

on January 06, 2014 06:41
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

I think you must correctly configure your router and so on. That's a common problem.

on January 06, 2014 10:53
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I'm having the same problem. Has this problem resolved? I set it up with static IP on all the computers connected to a network switch. Same problem.

on February 12, 2014 19:31