.NET provides a mechanism for easy registration of native COM DLLs, called "Registration-Free Activation of COM Components" - which does away with registration using regsvr32.exe for these DLLs.
GMFBridge.DLL requires registration before it can be used with C# or VB.NET code.
The manifest (XML file) for GMFBridge.DLL can be used by any developer, but the developers' application that is the "client" of GMFBridge must also have a manifest (which the developer must prepare).
The OLD and inconvenient way of registering a DLL for use in an application - using regsvr32.exe - is difficult with Windows versions after Windows XP.
With Windows Vista onwards, use of regsvr32.exe requires Administrator permissions. Also, there are TWO regsvr32.exe files available on 64-bit Windows systems. This makes it hard for a developer to create an installer for non-expert customers, when this type of COM registration of DLLs is essential (ie, to use GMFBridge).
G Lists on October 13, 2012 18:06
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1 Answer
Aug 24, 2015
Archive Agentagentwrote
Marco Blum
Why declined? Registration of DLLs is a pain in the ***