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fast encryption encrypted file problem?

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Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent wrote
I don't know why, I just finish use FFMPEG converted multiple audio stream and use fast encryption api encrypted, but file very small, only 4k. I don't know what's going on.

qakmak on February 06, 2014 16:55
107 Answers
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I feel maybe the new version some thing changed, so can you check it on you PC please?

on February 6, 2014 4:57 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

My sample code from previous thread worked?

So, one file with 1 video and 2 audio streams on input.

on February 6, 2014 5:00 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

List<string> files = new List<string>();
VideoEdit1.FastEncrypt_Start(files, "c:\\vf\\output2.enc", "100");

on February 6, 2014 5:03 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

converted fine. problem with fast encrypted API. encrypted file .

new version has this problem. I'm still searching problem source.

on February 6, 2014 5:04 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

I told about encryption code. In current version old code worked fine.

on February 6, 2014 5:05 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

code not change.

result = videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { currentEdit }, "C:\\test.avi", "100");
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPro.ExpLog(ex, null, false, "Current File : " + currentEdit);

on February 06, 2014 17:09
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Please try my code, run it on button click, not in OnStop event. I'm using file that you sent to me.

on February 06, 2014 17:10
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

run it on button click is fine.

on February 06, 2014 17:15
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

c:\test.avi can be read-only.

also try to add Thread.Sleep(5000); before your code, maybe it can help.

on February 06, 2014 17:17
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

no, incorrect logic. i'll made update soon.

on February 06, 2014 17:18
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

also media player custom audio effect usage is done

on February 06, 2014 17:18
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Why you don't synchronize encrypted it?

and I think I found problem.

Before I changed the code to :

this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
result = videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { currentEdit }, "C:\\test.avi", "100");
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPro.ExpLog(ex, null, false, "Current File : " + currentEdit);

then can delete the converted file, but encrypted file only 5k.
and now I change it to:

result = videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { currentEdit }, "C:\\test.avi", "100");
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPro.ExpLog(ex, null, false, "Current File : " + currentEdit);

encrypted fine. but still can't delete the converted file........

on February 06, 2014 17:31
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Please wait for update. OnStop event must work correctly now.

Using button click way can you delete source file after fast encrypt?

on February 06, 2014 17:33
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

button click way I just encypted it before, not try delete source file. I think event I delete it, still not same with when finish converted. because use button click way, the converted file already nothing deal with FFMPEG SDK

and I just changed the code to :

this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
result = videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { currentEdit }, "C:\\test.avi", "100");
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPro.ExpLog(ex, null, false, "Current File : " + currentEdit);

this time all fine. converted file deleted, and encrypted file is normal, can play.

problem source is FFMPEG SDK not release all resource then trigging the OnStop event.

on February 06, 2014 17:38
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

absolutely correct. update will fix this issue.

on February 06, 2014 17:39
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

about the fast encryption , Is there any way let it synchronized encrypted, because I need delete the source file when encryption finish.


option 1, add a new Action to do something when finish fast encryption

videoEdit.FastEncryption("source", "des", "100", new Action(()=>{
//delete when operate finish

on February 06, 2014 17:42
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

By the way, I found another BUG.

when use FFMPEG SDK converted file , click STOP. will throw exception:
Access violation at address 104586AD in module 'VFFFMPEG.dll'. Read of address 00000014

on February 06, 2014 17:43
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I mean converted on progress, Stop the converted.

on February 06, 2014 17:43
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

VideoEdit control OnStop event will be called if Fast Encrypt completed.

on February 06, 2014 17:50
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

can't download.
VideoEdit control OnStop event will be called if Fast Encrypt completed. you add right now? before I try it , can't be called.

on February 06, 2014 18:00
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

not added now, but i see code that added this event to call.

on February 06, 2014 18:08
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

This time completely can't encrypted. I still not get it what's going on.

if don't use FFMPEG SDK, and use button click way encrypted the file olready converted, it will worked.....

on February 06, 2014 19:48
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

even I remove "this.Invoke" still can't encrypted now. like this:

//this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
result = videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { currentEdit }, "C:\\test.avi", "100");
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPro.ExpLog(ex, null, false, "Current File : " + currentEdit);
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

So I changed my code. when press button, I converted it first but not encrypted, when I click the button second time, it encrypted it. but result same. So I think that's not about "click button way"

1.You fixed can't delete source problem. but now can't encrypted.
2.now I'm very sure fast encrypted not called OnStop event.
3.the BUG still exists I before said: when use FFMPEG SDK converted the file do not wating it finish, click STOP button. will throw exception:
Access violation at address 104586AD in module 'VFFFMPEG.dll'. Read of address 00000014
4.when use FFMPEG SDK converted visual studio output:
First opportunity "System.NullReferenceException" type of exception occurred in the VisioForge.Controls.dll
First opportunity "System.NullReferenceException" type of exception occurred in the VisioForge.Controls.dll
First opportunity "System.NullReferenceException" type of exception occurred in the VisioForge.Controls.dll

I don't know Is there anything need check.

on February 06, 2014 20:19
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

I'll check.

on February 07, 2014 10:40
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I hope you can fixed it soon please. then I can continue my work.

on February 07, 2014 21:57
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

SDK updated. Sample code for FFMPEG demo, OnStop event

VisioForge.Controls.VideoEdit.VideoEditSlave videoEdit = new VisioForge.Controls.VideoEdit.VideoEditSlave();

videoEdit.OnError += (o, args) =>

videoEdit.OnStop += (o, args) =>
MessageBox.Show("FastCrypt done");


videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { edOutput.Text }, "C:\\vf\\test.enc", "100");

on February 09, 2014 21:00
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Thanks, I'll try it immediately.

on February 09, 2014 21:02
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Sorry Roman, there is nothing changed.

Did you try fast encrypted the file when it finish convert?

last 4 problem, all not fixed........

on February 09, 2014 23:06
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

It always stuck on this place when converted finish,and encrypted:

videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { edOutput.Text }, "C:\\vf\\test.enc", "100");

if click stop fast encrypted, it will continue ,but encrypted file size only more than 100Kb....

on February 09, 2014 23:15
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

1.The problem more worse now, even I'm just encrypted file without FFMPEG sdk convert. always stuck when fast encrypted
2.because can't fast encrypted, I can't test OnStop and OnError event. but when I'm manually stop fast encrypted, OnStop still not called.
3.Still exists
4.Still exists.

I'm use your file last time you share: output (2).mp4 test these

on February 10, 2014 08:49
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Using latest build we have added Invoke to work in independent thread, not in OnStop thread, that exit too yearly and do not allow to work directshow.

VisioForge.Controls.WinForms.VideoEdit videoEdit = new VisioForge.Controls.WinForms.VideoEdit();

public delegate void FastCryptDelegate();

private void FastCryptDelegateMethod()
videoEdit.OnError += VideoEditOnOnError;
videoEdit.OnStop += VideoEditOnOnStop;
videoEdit.OnProgress += VideoEdit2OnOnProgress;

videoEdit.FastEncrypt_Start(new List<string>() { edOutput.Text }, "C:\\vf\\test.enc", "100", false);

private void VideoEdit1_OnStop(object sender, EventArgs e)
BeginInvoke(new FastCryptDelegate(FastCryptDelegateMethod));

//BeginInvoke(new AFStopDelegate(this.AFStopDelegateMethod));

private void VideoEdit2OnOnProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs progressEventArgs)


private void VideoEditOnOnStop(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
MessageBox.Show("FastCrypt done");

private void VideoEditOnOnError(object sender, ErrorsEventArgs errorsEventArgs)

on February 10, 2014 13:54
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Sorry, this time not stuck, but can't encrypted. maybe that's my code problem....
I made a new Sample project for test it. would you test it on your PC please?

you just need click start. and when convert and encrypted finish, you need to check the encrypted file(if can play it, it will success. if It's just create a encrypted file, but can't play it. please tell me what I need to do)

This is the sample code:https://www.dropbox.com/s/iio81zo746ywdvj/ConvertAndEncrypt.rar

on February 10, 2014 16:15
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Yes, your code worked on my pc...

on February 10, 2014 17:57
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Yes. Output file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/aauxnnxqzbnhxdb/output.avi

on February 10, 2014 19:01
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

On my PC. can converted. but always can't encrypted. the encrypted file size always 100kb+

on February 10, 2014 19:10
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Ok. Please share PC by TeamViewer. Please send login / password to my email.

on February 10, 2014 19:27
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

And your output file can't download . status: still uploading....

on February 10, 2014 19:31
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Ok. wait me little bit. I download it now.

on February 10, 2014 19:36
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Restarted Dropbox client, now worked.

on February 10, 2014 19:37
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

so, you can see problem now resolved.

all ok now? can I close this ticket?

on February 10, 2014 20:11
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I find the problem source.

You FFMPEG SDK main demo has a little bit mistack.

you forget add this:

if (videoEditFFMPEG.Profile = VFFFMPEGSDKProfile.Custom)
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Muxer = that is what you select , usually use mp4

Just because you forget set the videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Muxer. then the Output_Muxer always be: none. even the profile is Custom. because the Output_Muxer always be none. then fast encrypted not will stuck.

So add that code and check it please. I think FFMPEG SDK and Video Edit Muxer filter locked because use it both. That is a problem source.

on February 10, 2014 20:45
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Correct. One line added:

VideoEdit1.Output_Muxer = (VFFFMPEGSDKMuxFormat)cbContainer.SelectedIndex;

on February 10, 2014 20:54
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

If the Profile is MP4 or Profile is Custom, and the Muxer is MP4 always stuck.
but if Profile is Custom, and then the Muxer is none. it will success.

Because your main demo forget set Muxer, so the Muxer always be none. So it will stuck....

Did you Reappear the problem now?

on February 10, 2014 21:09
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

No, all ok if output muxer set to MP4.

on February 10, 2014 21:10
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

That's not possible. Then please connect my pc. use FFMPEG normal convert it again please.

on February 10, 2014 21:46
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

We'll continue tomorrow. I'll add some debugging.

on February 10, 2014 22:22
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Sure. good night.

on February 10, 2014 22:23
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Other little bugs I'll show you tomorrow.

on February 10, 2014 22:24
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

all worked correctly on my side using my sample file. using any combination of mp4 / custom profiles.

on February 10, 2014 22:33
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

When converted(use FFMPEG). if click Stop button. it will throw exception.

on February 10, 2014 22:35
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

and looks like the fast encrypted API :
1. not check the source file is exists or not
2. only encrypted .avi extends file. but I need use .tmp extends file(I mean source file)

on February 10, 2014 22:36
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

now happens too?

on February 10, 2014 22:36
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

yes. you can check.

on February 10, 2014 10:37 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

not happens...

on February 10, 2014 10:46 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Did you want connect my PC and check now?

on February 10, 2014 10:48 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
no. please check vfffmpeg.dll version. must be

also i will check our software only on clean installation in VmWare.

one hour of TeamViewer support cost is EUR 50.

text support is free.

on February 10, 2014 10:54 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

and looks like the fast encrypted API :
1. not check the source file is exists or not

Yes. This check on your side.

2. only encrypted .avi extends file. but I need use .tmp extends file(I mean source file)

SDK code do not check extension and so on. So, no difference. MP4 source file required, with H264 / AAC streams.

on February 10, 2014 10:56 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok, but then Why it can't encrypted when I'm use .tmp or .mp4 source file..

on February 10, 2014 10:58 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

vfffmpeg.dll is

on February 10, 2014 10:59 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

one hour of TeamViewer support cost is EUR 50. ???

you should tell me that before. I don't let you use it.

on February 10, 2014 11:03 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

You can download the IM tool on :http://w.x.baidu.com/alading/anquan_soft_down_normal/14178

and register it. then you can add me. you can send me file, or see my PC. tolk. all free.

on February 10, 2014 11:04 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

our TeamViewer session was free, don't worry.

i can sell FastEncrypt code for EUR 100 if it's ok for you.

we are really do not check extension. so, maybe your MP4 demuxer depends from extension.

on February 10, 2014 11:04 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Or from here:http://www.imqq.com/download.shtml

on February 10, 2014 11:04 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

We supported Haali Media Splitter for FastEncrypt. That's all. Other tools not tested or officiallly supported.

Next build will save graph to a file so you will be able to see used graph.

on February 10, 2014 11:07 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Thank you, I think I will buy all encrypted/decrypted source on the future. not now. now really not money....

How about the stuck problem?

on February 10, 2014 11:09 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

stuck problem not happen on my side. i think your codecs problem. that's a reason to test on clean os.

on February 10, 2014 11:11 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I don't understand. fast encrypted use codec?
If splitter. I'm always use Haali.
Codec is FFDSHOW for H264

on February 10, 2014 11:14 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

even the source file extends is .mp4 still will stuck when fast encrypted. I think it's a same problem source.

on February 10, 2014 11:25 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

you told about extension problem. it's mean - no extension problem. yes, demuxer used, Haali if available.

on February 10, 2014 11:27 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

codecs problem - during graph rendering 3rd-party filters can be added for a some reason, directshow do not prevent this.

on February 10, 2014 11:29 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I found there is some file name is same to VisioForge\Redist\FFMPEG files. let me try to delete it and try again.

on February 10, 2014 11:31 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Not working. continue tomorrow. actually already tomorrow now.....

on February 11, 2014 12:07 AM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

updated distrib available, now you can specify debug folder to store graph file and be able to check it

on February 11, 2014 00:20
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote


Filters count: 3

Filter name: FileWriter
Pin 0 - Input - in
Connected to: VisioForge Encryptor, Output

Filter name: Haali Simple Media Splitter

Filter name: VisioForge Encryptor
Pin 0 - Input - Input 1
Pin 1 - Output - Output
Connected to: FileWriter, in
MajorType: Stream, SubType: Unknown: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, FormatType: Unknown: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
MajorType: Stream, SubType: Unknown: 3f5149a5-d47e-44d8-b5b2-18848a5bb8fe, FormatType: Unknown: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Open encryptfast.grf will display cannot open file.

on February 11, 2014 11:17
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

You can see that splitter is not connected to encrypter. Something wrong with source file.

on February 11, 2014 11:40
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

But Good news is the manually stop not throw exception now after I unistall some same name dll application and restart and reinstall the visioforge sdk .

on February 11, 2014 11:45
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

finally success config on my PC, but My server always some error......

On my server when encrypted. the encrypted file size Kept accumulating, if I don't stop looks like it will Fill the hard disk.....

on February 11, 2014 20:32
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

solved. because fast encrypted even original file format is h264 ,but it will use MPEG-2 aplitter. and then just because you let the fast encrypted only use Haali. then a lot other splitter like Moonligt MPEG-2, Elecard MPEG Demultiplexer all will let the application happening a lot weird problem, ....,let me continue try tomorrow too and confirm again.

on February 11, 2014 22:56
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

sdk code checked if haali installed. if not installed default splitter will be used.

on February 11, 2014 23:18
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I have a quesstion.
If there is a MPEG-2 file , it has 4 audio stream. If I want to get first 1 , and to

Am I use this?

videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile("file", true, false, 0);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile("file", false, true, 0);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile("file", false, true, 1);

I use your last time give me file : output.avi try it. but result is only 1 audio stream

on February 11, 2014 23:21
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I mean, 4 audio stream video file, I'm only keep first and second audio stream with video.


on February 11, 2014 23:22
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

but looks like I can use this way

videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile("file", true, false, 0);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile("file", false, true, 1);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile("file", false, true, 2);

I that correct? or It's just a coincidence?

on February 11, 2014 23:48
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

yes, looks correctly

on February 12, 2014 00:17
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Hi Roman, today I find 2 problems.

1.Why MPEG-2 file convert to h264 use FFMPEG SDK So slow ..... I feel that slow than Video Edit SDK encrypt(you know Video Edit SDK encrypt will use h264). Is that normal? or there is some option not enable? I try all code. even my server i7 cpu convert will use 3-5 minute(but funny thing is my laptop computer core 2.0Ghz only use about 6 minute.......Why the i7 only fast 3 minute??? and I found i7 will use 100% cpu, and some time even the progress bar will stuck...

2.MPEG-2 file use FFMPEG SDK convert to H264, that's fine. but if encrypted that H264 file, then the encrypted file will very stuck and the video slow than audio. video not smooth. I give you the sample file for test and sample code.

videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Video_Bitrate = 2000 * 1000;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Video_BufferSize = 1000 * 1000;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Video_Bitrate_Min = 1000* 1000;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Video_Bitrate_Max = 3000 * 1000;

videoEditFFMPEG.Profile = VFFFMPEGSDKProfile.Custom;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Muxer = VFFFMPEGSDKMuxFormat.MP4;

videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Audio_Channels = VFFFMPEGSDKAudioChannels.Stereo;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Audio_SampleRate = 48000;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Audio_Bitrate = 128000;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Audio_Encoder = VFFFMPEGSDKAudioEncoder.AAC;

videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Video_AspectRatio = VFFFMPEGSDKAspectRatio.AR_None;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Video_Encoder = VFFFMPEGSDKVideoEncoder.H264;
videoEditFFMPEG.Output_Video_FrameRate = VFFFMPEGSDKFrameRate.frOriginal;


videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile(video path, true, false, 0);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile(wav1 path, false, true, 1);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile(wav2 path, false, true, 2);

last time I give you the sample code is h264, this time it's a MPEG-2

on February 12, 2014 23:46
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

problem 2 I mean when use Video Edit FFMPEG SDK convert to h264 and use fast encrypted , the encrypted file has problem. I think maybe the fast encrypted is a problem source.

on February 12, 2014 23:48
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

and problem 1 mean , FFMPEG sdk convert MPEG2 to h 264 slow as hell...

on February 12, 2014 23:54
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Sorry, I write wrong sample code before

//Because audio file is are external file
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile(video path, true, false, 0);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile(wav1 path, false, true, 0);
videoEditFFMPEG.Sources_AddFile(wav2 path, false, true, 0);

on February 13, 2014 00:02
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I think problem 2 maybe that's because the external file problem. please check it.

on February 13, 2014 01:34
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

looks like not about external file. looks like It's a fast encrypted API BUG.

on February 13, 2014 01:43
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Or Media Player SDK BUG.(but other file can normal play converted before use VIDEO Edit SDK)

on February 13, 2014 01:44
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

not only MPEG-2, looks like some h264 still has video quality problem when fast encrypted.

I give you a file, you can try (convert it before use FFMPEG sdk then ) fast encrypted it .


on February 13, 2014 08:11
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Did you try? How is the encrypted video quality?

on February 13, 2014 12:22
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Sorry, I think maybe I was wrong, because I newer open the encrypted file and check it. always just wait it can or not success encrypted. Looks like fast encrypted API will let the encrypted file video quality not good. Of course, I need you test on your PC first, because I'm not sure that's a codec problem or not. now the all encrypted file video quality not good on my PC and Server, event I'm changed every codec and splitter......

on February 13, 2014 13:56
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

We have the same quality for encrypted file because do not change video stream in encryptor, we just encrypt this.

on February 19, 2014 11:23
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

did you try the file https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwzbgw7l0s4ys2d/Introduction.mp4

and did you try convert it use FFMPEG SDK before encrypted?

on February 19, 2014 11:25
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

And did you install FFDSHOW new version? If you're not use FFDSHOW, please tell me what codec you used for play encryped h264 file for I test. Thank you.

on February 19, 2014 11:27
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I just encrypted the original file, not converted. same result. but I think use fast encrypted, the result file change to MPEG-2, because If use KMPlayer play it all fine, and it display the file format is MPEG-2, and it use inside codec. But If use SDK or any other player, it use FFDSHOW. and problem happening.

on February 19, 2014 11:51
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I try to change the h264 codec to CoreAVC then the player can normal play, but Media Player SDK video more bad.

Now I'm use CLAVC codec, then the player and SDK all fine , but Media Player SDK very easy to crash.......

why can't normal use the FFDSHOW codec like before use Video EDit SDK encrypted?
Can you help me please.....

on February 19, 2014 12:16
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Looks like a lot codec has this problem . More important is FFDSHOW, I don't know what's different Video Edit SDK encrypted with fast encrypted. fast encrypted some format problem with FFDSHOW codec......... I think maybe you can try change the format type or head some thing.....when fast encrypted. How do you think?

on February 19, 2014 12:38
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

If that's not fixed, I can't continue my work.........

on February 19, 2014 13:07
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I just download the new version FFDSHOW still has that problem......and the player display MPEG-2, sitll not got it.

I hope you can help me. It's a final problem. not any problem. Thanks......

on February 19, 2014 14:10
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

We have no problems with output files after encryption. We used Media Player Classic to playback.

on February 21, 2014 20:46
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Hi Roman, I just download MPC-HC.1.7.3.x86 and test it, but result is same, video still bad, first audio stream still later than video.
I hope you can unistall all codec, download install ffdshow new version + Haali (you always recommend these, So I give my all customer install it before) and test it. then you will find problem. Thank for you testing.

on February 22, 2014 08:27
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Better to use abstract extension like .enc because mp4 and avi can be mapped to another splitters and that can source a problems.

on February 27, 2014 10:28
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Sure, I'll try that.

on February 27, 2014 10:30
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Thank you.

on February 27, 2014 10:30