BlackMagic H.264 Pro Recorder support
Supporting the USB BlackMagic H.264 Pro Recorder would be a great extension.
It appears as DeckLink Video Capture in the device list but no Input Format is listed.
This is probably because, unlike t...
How to save and load capture settings? (Input device, crossbar etc...)
Save to xml all settings of capture device and be able to retrive settings from xml.
Luis Mendes on April 03, 2014 13:29 Roman Minyaylov
You can implement it in your own code. Just save API para...
Please add to StopEventArgs one property use distinguish media stop by who
I asking you before about the problem, because I need to know when media stop:
Player.OnStop += Player_OnStop;
I need to know: is media playing is finish and event is triggered or because user stop ...