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About MediaPlayer Audio problem

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Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent wrote
1.Why Audio_Volume_Set or Get Using int 1-1000. not use double 0 - 100.0

2. why Audio_Volume 500 Is Mute, not 0.(I think maybe there is some operation problem)

3. are you gonna add Mute, IsMute feature? or you want we do?

4.are you ganna add change volume for all audio stream(one property all stream change), or you want we do?

5.about problem4, I found now if I change any audio stream volume, It's all change, are you gonna keep this? or you maybe some day change that mode? because your api is change audio volum for stream, not all .(I afraid some day if you change, I'm need change it too)

qakmak on April 25, 2013 19:52
77 Answers
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

1, 2 - DirectShow API specific
3 - no, just set it to 0
4, 5 - audio renderers is independent

on April 25, 2013 19:55
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

P.S. Check news, encryption added

on April 25, 2013 19:55
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. but about question 2, Can you Reset that Algorithm. I fell its not to 300 and no any sound. and 400 to 500 , the change is very small.

and about quesion 5. I found if use stream 0 , it can be change, but all stream change. like that


but I can't use like that:


I don't understand, if stream 0 mean the all audio stream, why you just use that(no audio stream param):


I'm little confuse.

on April 25, 2013 20:54
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. I'm check now. thank you very much.

on April 25, 2013 20:55
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

That depends from source file, for some files only one renderer used if only one audio stream can be active in source file.

on April 25, 2013 21:01
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. I just look the encryption feature.
and looks like if I want use encryption video, I need buy Video Edit SDK....Your future will be a cheap combination of it? (Package). I mean Media Player and Video Edit SDK.

and, there is some problem,
1.can I let Media Player check some video Is already encryption or not? if not encryption , don't play it.
2.why It Errors and wornings always show:
Unable to create filter: .
Unable to create encryptor filter.

3,If audio code use mpeg layer-3. it can be work.

4.compress must use avi? but I use mpeg-2 before and my all media file have multiple audio stream. you know that, I found when it encode, audio only have 1. please give me a solution for this.

5.why just open original video and encryption. and output. Is this necessary encode one more time again? because It's so many media file, and render need more time.

6.and I open avi/mkv use video code : xvid mpeg-4(and mjpeg), audio code:pcm. and finish out put . the media file not any differen. some player still can play. not encrypted.

on April 25, 2013 22:07
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

We can give you 20% discount. Also for all products we have a bundle.

1. Mmm, you can use event OnVideoEncrypted while you trying to play a file.
2. In Video Edit SDK?
3. Yes.
4. Currently only AVI supported.
5. Working on it. Will work for AVI if one of supported codecs for video
and audio used.
6. Because of error 2. Videos not crypted, looks that SDK not installed
correctly. We'll check soon.

Please tell me SDK version, .Net 2.0 or 4.0, x86 or x64.

on April 25, 2013 22:28
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Please download updated SDK build, problem fixed.

on April 25, 2013 23:22
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I just download the new version, and I'm test in .net4.0 x86(winfrom)

on April 26, 2013 06:43
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

quesion 3 , I'm write wrong. I mean: if I use MPEG layer-3 It's stuck. can't work(can't output).
and over little moment, It's complete. but the video size only 150k.

on April 26, 2013 06:46
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

my code list not have:h264(video) and aac(audio). did I need install some encoder tools?

on April 26, 2013 06:47
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok, thanks. but about question 4, Is there have any solution(I mean multiple audio stream).
I think mkv support multiple audio stream too. can I out put mkv?

on April 26, 2013 06:56
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

and I found when media file encrypted Source Mode must be directShow. can't use FFMPEG
god....that's nightmare, because only FFMPEG can use multiple audio stream.

on April 26, 2013 07:00
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I test output file use: xvid+PCM

on April 26, 2013 07:01
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

OnVideoEncrypted , not a good choice. can you add some bool it can tell you the media file is encrypted or not.

on April 26, 2013 07:29
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

can you trying any other way to handle multiple audio stream video?

on April 26, 2013 08:00
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Yes, DirectShow only, no ways to made it FFMPEG.

For H264 x264vfw encoder can be used. Or Monogram x264.

Yes, we'll add special method to check if file encrypted, good idea.

Yes, MKV support good idea too.

on April 26, 2013 12:44
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

but problem is If DirectShow can't use multiple audio stream. It's over. can you trying to research about this?

on April 26, 2013 12:49
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I think maybe you can try use this way handle avi and mkv multiple audio stream in directshow:

on April 26, 2013 12:55
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

DirectShow supports multiple audio streams, our SDK use IAMStreamSelect and multiple audio renderers. If IAMStreamSelect used usually only one stream can be active.

on April 26, 2013 13:12
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

you just need finish that step.
1.let your Media Edit support multiple audio stream.
2.when original media have multiple media, and output to (mkv,mpeg,avi and encrypted), you need that support multiple audio stream(or let user choice use which one).
3.let you Media player support multiple audio stream when you play some media, and it has multiple audio stream(DirectShow ofcourse, because only it can be encrypted).

sorry to have troubled you so much.

on April 26, 2013 13:12
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

2. Not encrypted but possible.
3. Supported already. Get debug info and check logs, you will see that multiple streams is rendered if available.

on April 26, 2013 13:23
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Also send me sample video file with multiple streams that cause a problem

on April 26, 2013 13:37
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

use File_DS mode, I can't change audio stream like FFMPEG. and I found every time I change the audio stream use :
MediaPlayer1.Audio_SetStream(0, false);
MediaPlayer1.Audio_SetStream(1, true);
MediaPlayer1.Audio_SetStream(1, false);
MediaPlayer1.Audio_SetStream(0, true);

the volumn is change(first time, like little bug)

on April 26, 2013 13:43
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I need change the audio stream when the video is play.
about sample , wait me .

on April 26, 2013 13:46
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I need found some sample for you and convert to mpeg or mkv, maybe 2 hour

on April 26, 2013 13:49
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

there is video sample have multiple audio stream. I hope it can be help for you test.

Media Edit can output encryted media with multiple stream, and Media Player use DirecShow mode can real time change current audio stream. and that's be perfect.

on April 26, 2013 15:39
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

you can tell me anything if I can help.

on April 26, 2013 15:41
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Download updated SDK build. Check this page - http://support.visioforge.com/knowledgebase/articles/194243-multiple-audio-streams-playback-in-mpg-files . Install Haali as described.
By default SDK uses MPEG-2 Demultiplexor filter and, that's very strange, but this filter do not support IAMStreamSelect.

Also Encryption_CheckFile for MediaPlayer class added.
Video Edit SDK .Net updated to support multiple audio streams for encryption.

on April 26, 2013 17:40
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok, thanks . I'm check it now.
also , I you have free time, can you look it:

MediaPlayer1.MultiScreen_Enabled = false;

the property is useless, It's just for check are you use multiple screen or not(in MediaPlayer.net4.0 winform demo). I think maybe you can add this in your api:

if (!System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.MonitorCount > 1)
System.Drawing.Rectangle workingArea = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens[1].WorkingArea;
fullScreenWindow.Left = workingArea.Left;
fullScreenWindow.Top = workingArea.Top;
//fullScreenWindow.Width = workingArea.Width;
//fullScreenWindow.Height = workingArea.Height;
fullScreenWindow.image.Width = workingArea.Width;
fullScreenWindow.image.Height = workingArea.Height;
//fullScreenWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
fullScreenWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
fullScreenWindow.Topmost = true;

that's for second monitor.
and.....in wpf, I can't found :MediaPlayer1.MultiScreen_SetParameters(0, true, false, false);
that method. so I can't change the video Stretch.

on April 26, 2013 18:11
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

and there is another little bug. if use OnAudioFrameBuffer event(wpf multiple screen).
when stop the Media Player. the video not dissapear on second screen.

on April 26, 2013 18:24
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Second screens it's just additional panels to view video. You must redraw them manually. Also in WPF you can use more native way, please check KB - http://support.visioforge.com/knowledgebase/articles/189619-multiple-screens-for-wpf-controls

on April 26, 2013 19:18
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

yeap. I already use http://support.visioforge.com/knowledgebase/articles/189619-multiple-screens-for-wpf-controls
but when I stop();. second screen not gone. video last image still on there.

on April 26, 2013 19:41
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

1.Video Edit -> OutPut -> Avi/Mkv ->If I use Audio codec:MPEG Layer-3
It can't output. your not fix that bug.

2.Media Edit encryption now supprt what kind media? avi? mpeg?mkv? I still need config on AVI/MKV panel? or other panel can config?

on April 26, 2013 19:48
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Recommend me a aac encoder please. my audio codec select not aac option.

on April 26, 2013 19:55
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Update WPF control manually.

AVI output only now.

Checking MP3.

Use Monogram AAC for example.

on April 26, 2013 19:57
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

About MP3 - enable Use LAME checkbox, in VIsta and later MPEG Layer-3 sometimes blocked.

on April 26, 2013 20:06
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. I'll update wpf control every media file play finish or stop.
other thing, I'm trying now.

on April 26, 2013 20:15
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

MONOGRAM x264 Encoder and MONOGRAM AAC Decoder not support win7 64??

on April 26, 2013 20:31
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

AAC Encoder required, not decoder. I don't know about this. For us it's 3rd-party software. x86 version of filter will work in x64 OS without any problems.

on April 26, 2013 20:34
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I'm just try MONOGRAM AAC Encoder v1.0.0.1.
but the audio codec list not have it.

It's windows7 64bit(but I Install your software x86 net4)

on April 26, 2013 20:48
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I'm Install AC3Filter2.6, But Edit Media
VideoEdit1.Start(); give me throw a AccessViolationException

在 DirectShowLib.IFilterGraph2.Connect(IPin ppinOut, IPin ppinIn)
在 VisioForge.MediaFramework.Classes.DSSimpleBaseFilter.sXCRr1uiuOy06jhJwaE(Object , Object , Object )
在 VisioForge.MediaFramework.Classes.DSSimpleBaseFilter.ConnectIn(IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, IPin outputPin, Boolean firstFreePin, Boolean useCapturegraphBuilder, ICaptureGraphBuilder2 captureGraph)
在 VisioForge.MediaFramework.Classes.DSACMEncoder.ConnectIn(IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, IPin outputPin)
在 VisioForge.MediaFramework.Classes.DSAVIEncoder.ConnectAudioInX(IFilterGraph2 filterGraph, Int32 index, IPin outputPin)
在 VisioForge.Controls.VideoEdit.VideoEditSlave.HaD9BtCETk()
在 VisioForge.Controls.VideoEdit.VideoEditSlave.GIS9NiEuBW()
在 VisioForge.Controls.VideoEdit.VideoEditSlave.Start()
在 VisioForge.Controls.WinForms.VideoEdit.Start()
在 VideoEdit_CS_Demo.Form1.btStart_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) 位置 d:\Work\VisioForge\VisioForge SDKs .Net TRIAL .Net 4.0\Demos\Video Edit SDK\Source code\WinForms\CSharp\Main Demo\Form1.cs:行号 1177
在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
在 System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
在 System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
在 System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
在 VideoEdit_CS_Demo.Program.Main() 位置 d:\Work\VisioForge\VisioForge SDKs .Net TRIAL .Net 4.0\Demos\Video Edit SDK\Source code\WinForms\CSharp\Main Demo\Program.cs:行号 17
在 System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String[] args)
在 System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, Evidence assemblySecurity, String[] args)
在 Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
在 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
在 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

on April 26, 2013 21:06
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

looks like the only choise is: use x264vfw(Video) and MPEG Layer-3(User LAME) for testing.
but It output speed very slow...

on April 26, 2013 21:11
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Working on adding Monogram AAC support.

Yes, x264 is slow, you can use xvid as faster alternative. Codec speed not depends from our SDK.

on April 26, 2013 21:14
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

now today result is:
1.output encryption avi still one audio stream(I need avi finish encrypted , it has multiple audio stream like original media file or it can encrypted mpg file include multiple audio stream ).
why you say:Video Edit SDK .Net updated to support multiple audio streams for encryption.??

2.when I use Haali Media Splitter can change audio stream (mpg)

3.the Audio_Volume_Get and Audio_Volume_Set, I really think there is have some problem . not 0 - 1000, sounds like 400-1000.

on April 26, 2013 21:37
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

one more question, do you can optimize the playback code, Let it quickly began to play

on April 26, 2013 21:38
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

1. By default in demo only one audio stream added. Write you own code to add each stream from source file.
2. OK, problem resolved
3. Yes, but not a bug, it's DirectShow API value range.

on April 26, 2013 21:42
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

No, code is fast, 99% depends from used decoders.

on April 26, 2013 21:43
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. thank you very much.

on April 26, 2013 21:59
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

1.Plase tell me I need to add where about audio stream(I can't found)
2.new version still can't use Audio Effect(Media Player)

on April 26, 2013 22:11
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

now am 0:21 in my country, I really need to sleep. tomorrow continue. bye.Please give me a message.

on April 26, 2013 22:12
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I almost forgot to ask. for multiple audio stream. am I always need install Haali Media Splitter, or It was just temporary(you will fix it later)?

on April 26, 2013 22:19
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Are you there? If you come, please give me message.

on April 27, 2013 09:45
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

if (OpenDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
string s = OpenDialog1.FileName;
VideoEdit1.Input_AddVideoFile(s, -1, -1, -1, VFVideoEditStretchMode.Letterbox, 1.0);
VideoEdit1.Input_AddAudioFile(s, -1, -1, -1, string.Empty, 0, 0, 1.0);
VideoEdit1.Input_AddAudioFile(s, -1, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, 1, 1.0);


Will work only if source filter or demuxer creates multiple audio output pins. AVI for example.
2. Audio effects enabled before playback started? For example try to check Enabled for audio effects, Enabled for Amplify, start playback, move Amplify slider to maximum.

on April 27, 2013 13:10
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

MPEG-2 Demultiplexor do not support IAMStreamSelect and do not create multiple audio output pins like AVI Splitter, so, Haali is alternative.

on April 27, 2013 13:11
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I use the way output avi(xvid mpeg4 video codec+ mpeg layer-3 audio codec)

but can't use Media Player play multiple audio stream, and the video slow , audio fast.sound has noise

and if I'm use PCM(audio codec), audio not has noise.and the speed is normal. also MediaInfo can found 2 audio stream, but just like before, only one audio stream can use.

My test file is JC.rar(please download from dropbox)

but the MediaInfoNV Audio_Streams_Count() can found It has 2 audio stream.

so.....How can it normal playback in Media Player when it encrypted.

on April 27, 2013 15:59
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

and where is the Encryption_CheckFile class? can you add this in MediaInfo.when we ReadInfo() finish, and can use some bool property found it.

on April 27, 2013 16:13
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

if mpeg-2 have so many problem we just use mkv.
how about original mkv use Media Edit, and encryption, output to mkv. and Media Player can play it.

on April 27, 2013 6:16 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

MONOGRAM codec does not work in win7 64.
can you Recommend other aac/mp3 code (free)

on April 27, 2013 6:17 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Better AVI if Video Edit usage planned. But we'll add optional MKV output soon.

Use LAME checkbox for MP3

on April 27, 2013 6:57 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

LAME for MP3, nothing free for AAC. But we're working on it now. Maybe in the future. MP3 LAME + xvid is best for now.

on April 27, 2013 6:58 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I already user lame.
Is that because my original media file is mpg2?

I just now convert the mpg2 file to mkv. but I can't convert use Media Edit..............common....

on April 27, 2013 7:40 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

can u trying use JK.MPEG convert to xvid+mp3 lame, and test it yourself?

2problem. 1. audio fast(or video slow)
2.Media Info can found 2 audio stream, but can't change audio stream.....why......

and where is the Encryption_CheckFile class? can you add this in MediaInfo.when we ReadInfo() finish, and can use some bool property found it.

on April 27, 2013 7:45 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

I don't see a link. Use AVI as source for multiple audio streams in video edit, all will work.

on April 27, 2013 9:09 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov


on April 27, 2013 9:10 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

ok. If must be use avi source(include multiple audio), then Recommend me tools for convert my mpeg or mkv to avi(multiple video). and I can finish the test.

there is link, I give you yesterday:
qakmak commented · April 26, 2013 7:39 p.m.
there is video sample have multiple audio stream. I hope it can be help for you test.

Media Edit can output encryted media with multiple stream, and Media Player use DirecShow mode can real time change current audio stream. and that's be perfect.

on April 27, 2013 10:02 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Direct usage of FFMPEG.exe, docs available on project website.

on April 27, 2013 10:08 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

there is avi file, has multiple audio stream.
and I encrypted it (just you said : xvid+mp3 lamp)
but the result is : no any audio, and the video is slow. why? it's avi file............just like you said....

on April 27, 2013 10:22 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

gime me a message please. tomorrow continue

on April 27, 2013 10:23 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

I mean it can't be normal play in Media Player

on April 27, 2013 10:24 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Media Player SDK? Same pin code set?

on April 27, 2013 10:30 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

I'll check tomorrow.

on April 27, 2013 10:30 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

yep. Media Player SDK, Same pin code.
I'll wait your test.

on April 28, 2013 8:40 AM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

yes, video file is not encrypted... did you selected Encrypted video as Output format in video edit sdk demo?

on April 28, 2013 1:30 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

Ofcourse, It's not encrypted. It's a a test file, let you encrypted and test. then you can understand whatt's going on.

xvid+mp3 lame. and result is: MediaPlayer can't play the audio. and the video is slow.....

on April 28, 2013 2:23 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote
Roman Minyaylov

Please send me encrypted file

on April 28, 2013 4:42 PM
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote