Media Player SDK .net4 version. Some times play a file and wait little bit then close application ,the SDK still don't let the process end.
I'm use WPF test it OnExit event already called, but the application still can't completely exit. I try use Environment.exit(0); and Some times still has this problem. I also find visual studio 2012 output:
I found the problem is because a memory leak problem from the a filter. it can display a memory leak message box when exit if use XP and release version app.
on April 12, 2014 20:27
Aug 24, 2015
Archive Agentagentwrote
Maybe that's not about the SDK. sorry
on April 12, 2014 20:27
Aug 24, 2015
Archive Agentagentwrote
Frank Hernov
I had exactly the same problem, but solved it by doing a
MeditPlayer1 = Nothing
When closing the form. This should solve your problem.
on June 03, 2014 07:56
Aug 24, 2015
Archive Agentagentwrote
Hi Frank, Thank you for reply. I think looks like my problem because of memory leak. some times I exit will get net-broadcasteventwindow error. but I will try the way which you told, thanks.