Hello to all
I need to create an application for recording video and slides caprured form usb cards like inogeni or blackmagic minirecorder.
I need to record for a very long time, lets say hours.
I'm wondering what is the best approach to do this in the most affordable and safe way
Thanks in advance for any help.
SDK have special engine for Decklink devices and default DirectShow support for other devices.
Aug 04, 2019
Stefano Cupertinowrote
Thanks, i have bought the premium edition 2 days ago, i think it's great and it have a lot of options and modes.
i have to record a lot of hours and i need that the audio/video sync perfect. and also the lower possible cpu usage.
What do you suggest mp3 mpegts ffmpegexe ffmpeg dll.
It is very important for me the reliability since the recordings are live lessons.
Thanks four your help
Aug 04, 2019
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
I suggest to use MP4 v10 or MP4 v11 output in most of situations.
If you have GPU you can use GPU encoder with MP4 v11 to decrease CPU usage.