but as you know. user I can't I don't know how can I do . Is there any property I can know the Media player is busy now??(I think add a property by own before, but I don't know Media Player current state busy or not. so my property too. For a example: there is a button for play Next Movie. and when use click it:
if (MediaPlayer1.States == VFMediaPlayerStatus.Play)
MediaPlayer1.Stop();//stop first if player is playing.
NextMovie();//then play next movie;
when user click the next movies button ,and next movies not begin , user continue click the next movie button again, Media player will be throw exception. I think if you add a bust play state , I can do this.
if (MediaPlayer1.Status == VFMediaPlayerStatus.Busy)
return;// if media player is busy , ignore this operation.
//and continue play next movies.
if you want me add property by owe, when I use MediaPlayer.Play() and gonna change the propery statue, but Media Player not finish play yet. so not helpful.
so I need use some property know Media Player is busy know ,and if it is, I can let the every operate invalid in this time.
just like every time before I'm stop(); check next song. stop. replay.
if (MediaPlayer1.Status == VFMediaPlayerStatus.Busy)
and how are you think?
on May 28, 2013 07:39