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Is this possible let the bit rate and frame rate auto setted?

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Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent wrote
1.let it auto setting the bit rate and frame rate when converted mp4

I remember when use 7.0 version Video Edit SDK FFMPEG can auto set it(720p auto use vbr , and the bit rate about 1000)

but new version FFMPEG can't like that.

2.Also Video Edit SDK has this question and it's not has VBR feature(it's a fake, not really vbr. not any different with cbr). I think VBR must can auto detect and auto change the bitr ate.

I hope it can like video edit SDK MMMPEG easy.

3.And about MP4 sound AAC, looks like still not fixed when use 128k , the sound still not very good.

4.Better quality and more fast speed, Video Edit FFMPEG SDK MP4 video quality more best than Video Edit SDK.

qakmak on November 22, 2013 21:33
2 Answers
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

not solved ?

on January 29, 2014 17:43
Aug 23, 2015
Archive Agent agent wrote

which problem you mean not solved?

about bitrate , I try use Video Edit SDK : auto configure the bitrate, but even I'm use base line quality. the bitrate still very big......

and about MP4 and AAC quality problem, not yet, we are still trying to find.

current way is maybe use Video Edit SDK FFMPEG before the Video Edit SDK fixed these problem. but we still need Video Edit SDK add some feature then we can use it temporary.

on January 29, 2014 17:49