Home>Forum>preview and capture using RTSP_LowLatency source
preview and capture using RTSP_LowLatency source
Sep 09, 2021
Jonathan Spiegelglaswrote
I've successfully used the "IP camera capture to MP4" example to preview and capture a video-only stream from my security camera. In my use case low latency is extremely important so I switched to the RTSP_LowLatency source, however the app simply hangs when I hit the start button. Is there any prerequisites I need to install on my machine before using it?
I'm using the 64bit version of the SDK
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6 Answers
Sep 09, 2021
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
Does the same URL work with LAV or FFMPEG engine?
Sep 09, 2021
Jonathan Spiegelglaswrote
it works well with LAV, but with significant delay