Home>Forum>video effects and applying background video in chroma key effects
video effects and applying background video in chroma key effects
Jul 08, 2020
Using this program, I have some questions about the function of this program.( I open the program using Visual Studio.)
1. I wanted to apply effects on my videos like ‘tictok video filter effects’
Is there any way to achieve it?
2. I used Chroma key effect. And I put the background image. But what I want is putting background Video File(not image). But there is no way to put video.
Is there a function to put background video?
Continued to 2, I tried to change the code of chromakey code. But I couldn’t change the code(It looks like locked.)
The code is Locked? Or there is other way to change code?
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1 Answer
Jul 09, 2020
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
1. No.
2. No, only image.
SDK demo apps installed into Program Files subfolder, you need to run VIsual Studio with admin rights. Or, copy demo apps into My Documents or other folder that do not require admin rights.