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Setting up Media Player on .Net Core 8, am I missing libraries or third party software / redist?

Jan 22 (50 days ago)
GIRARD Jessy wrote

I need to setup the video player with some requirements and I can't achieve to make it work properly, also, it isn't clear to know what Nugget Packages are required for doing it.

Here are the requirements and informations about the player :

- Software is built only for Windows 11 systems, can be x86 or x64 if needed, can install third party softwares or codecs
- I need to be able to start several videos at the same time (loading time is expected), the more is the better
- Containing element's of Players must be able to be captured by a VisualBrush, therefore VideoRendererMode.WPF_WinUI_Callback should be the only choice ?
- GPU acceleration if possible would be great, but is not mandatory if the performances of CPU rendering are good.

I don't know if I miss some libraries or configuration, but I manage to make it work on my personnal computed with

However, on a fresh Windows install, with every hardware driver properly installed (Nvidia especially), this setup doesn't seem to work (player object stays black) and no error is reported by VisioForge SDK.

It seems to me that "WPF_WinUI_Callback" is the one not working (I managed to make the player work with EVR, but losing VisualBrush) on those systems.

Also, it is unclear to me on what GPU means as a VideoRendererMode, it is clear that it uses GPU to decode, but is it FFMPEG / VLC / LAV engine ?

Thank you for your help !!
1 Answer
Jan 22 (50 days ago)
Roman Miniailov agent wrote

Please check the following sample - https://github.com/visioforge/.Net-SDK-s-samples/tree/master/Media%20Player%20SDK/WPF/CSharp/Simple%20Player%20Demo

By default, LAV mode is used, but you can switch to LAV GPU.

WPF rendering used in the sample should be capturable by a visual brush (Image control used to draw, with WriteableBitmap usage).