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Media Player

Sep 01, 2019
xmaster wrote
We are a company that develops programs that display media on electronic boards.

This company wants to purchase MediaPlayer.
There is something I want to check before buying.

First, there seems to be a problem with memory leak when playing media continuously. Is there any problem with new version?
Since our program plays 365 days in a row, if memory leaks, we need to be aware of it in advance.

Second, what kind of codec do you support when playing MP4?

Third, we produce our own install program to deliver our products.
Can you tell me the list of files to copy when installing MediaPlayer?
4 Answers
Sep 03, 2019
Roman Miniailov agent wrote
Yes, memory leak issue resolved.

H264 or H265. Or any other supported.

You can find deployment at https://support.visioforge.com .
Sep 03, 2019
xmaster wrote
When I tested the latest version of the test three days ago, there was a memory leak. Send me a test version of the memory leak free.
Sep 03, 2019
xmaster wrote
Test version is trai, download=> visioforge web site
Sep 03, 2019
Roman Miniailov agent wrote
Please send logs with memory leak test - https://support.visioforge.com/041973-How-to-send-debug-info