Home>Forum>Video Capture SDK .Net - Main Demo encoding problem
Video Capture SDK .Net - Main Demo encoding problem
Nov 17, 2018
I find the SDK is simple to use with many useful functions that meet all my requirements. However, there is a problem in encoding that is the output audio signal is always not in sync with the output video signal. There are about 350-370ms difference with them. Although, I can adjust this difference in FFMpeg (EXE), there are no ways for other encoding method. Is it my setting problem or does it only exist in demo version or anything else?
Try to switch to direct MP4 output, v10 or v11, instead FFMPEG output.
Nov 27, 2018
I ve try to use the direct MP4 output. However I found another problem, i.e. no matter I chose 30 or 60 fps input video signal, I get a 39.XX fps output encoded file. Is there any ways to fix the output frame rate to set at our desired values, e.g. 30 or 60 fps?
Nov 27, 2018
Furthermore, if using FFMPEG output, does the delay time is the same for different resolutions and frame rate inputs?
Nov 28, 2018
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
For default MP4 output frame rate is variable...
For FFMPEG output we do not set delay value.
Nov 28, 2018
For MP4 output, can I have a method to set a fixed output frame rate?
For FFMPEG output, I did not see any delay on preview, however, the encoded file had about 370 ms delay.
Nov 28, 2018
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
We working on MP4 constant frame rate now, not ready yet.
Nov 28, 2018
When will the constant frame rate MP4 be ready? I really need constant frame rate output for my current project. If the frame rate cannot be set and fixed, I must then use the FFMPEG output.
Furthermore, does the delay in FFMPEG output related to any audio or video buffers? I have tried FFMPEG and FFPLAY to capture and preview directshow filter sources, but the preview on FFPLAY is "stuttered". After changing different settings on the buffer values, I finally got a more or less smooth preview but it is not perfect. Then I try your product and much appreciate the result.
I am still try different settings on your product and learning how to use it. Do you have any documents that I can download so that I can have a better understanding about your product.
Nov 29, 2018
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
Please switch to v10 encoder like shown on screenshot to get constant frame rate.
For v11 NVENC will be available within several days, for v11 CPU (Microsoft) still on work.
Sorry for the late reply, I ve switch to V10 encoder with HW available: INTEL QSV. I selected Input format with frame rate at 60 fps. However the output file shows frame rate at 39 fps. Even though, I set the frame rate at 30 fps, the output frame rate showed also at 30 fps.
I ve tested with different input resolutions:
1920 X 1080, output frame rate is 39 fps (input frame rate 30 or 60 fps)
1280 X 720, output frame rate is 60 fps (input frame rate 30 or 60 fps)
720 X 480, output frame rate is 60 fps (input frame rate 30 or 60 fps)
Are there any settings so that I can get the output frame rate to be the same as the input frame rate?
SDK Version
Jan 01, 2019
Sorry for the typing mistakes.
I ve switch to V10 encoder with HW available: INTEL QSV. I selected Input format with frame rate at 60 fps. However the output file shows frame rate at 39 fps. Even though, I set the frame rate at 30 fps, the output frame rate showed also at 39 fps.
I ve tested with different input resolutions:
1920 X 1080, output frame rate is 39 fps (input frame rate 30 or 60 fps)
1280 X 720, output frame rate is 60 fps (input frame rate 30 or 60 fps)
720 X 480, output frame rate is 60 fps (input frame rate 30 or 60 fps)
Are there any settings so that I can get the output frame rate to be the same as the input frame rate?
SDK Version
Jan 02, 2019
Today I have tried 1080i 60 fps input source with a low end PC. The output frame rate is far below 60 fps with about 15-20 fps using V8, V10 and V11 encoder. Is it normal? Can I get an encoded video with the output frame rate same as input frame rate? For FFMPEG encoding, I can set the output frame rate as I request. This is very important to my application. Please give me some advice.
Jan 23, 2019
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
Please upgrade to latest SDK version released today. Try to check V11 encoder with FFMPEG muxer enabled, that should made constant frame rate.
Feb 08, 2021
Im using V11 encoder. But Im getting exception like "Unable to create VisioForge MF Mux filter","Unable to create filter (from file ): VisioForge MF Mux
Im using V11 encoder. But Im getting exception like "Unable to create VisioForge MF Mux filter","Unable to create filter (from file ): VisioForge MF Mux
Im getting the same Error any update on this issue?
Feb 18, 2021
Roman Miniailovagentwrote
Which deployment way you are using to deploy your application?
Hi, I'm evaluating the SDK (Version 14.1.26) and get the same "Unable to create VisioForge MF Mux filter" error as soon as I try to capture and preview at the same time.
I'm using NuGet, .NET5 and the WinForms control (info and code snippet in MyCode.cs in attached Debug log archive).